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Jenne's Reads

When I was still a wee thing I use to wonder if when we slept at night that's when our reader put us away; I felt so sure we must be living out someone else's story.. I still wonder from time to time. I was was of those kids who kept a flashlight under their pillow so the moment the coast was clear I could crack open whatever I was reading at the time. Fast-forward a lot of years and little has changed. I always have a least one book, if not two plus my iPad & kindle with me so any free moment I find can be filled with other worlds & lives. Reading isn't a hobby, it's a way of life.

Currently reading

Shatter Me
Tahereh Mafi
The Goddess Inheritance
Aimee Carter
Dziewczyna z pociÄ…gu - Paula Hawkins

Just started this yesterday; I'm intrigued but not hooked, at least not yet.

first impressions...

booklikes is as if tumblr and oggl had a love child..


& most importantly the thought of imputing all my reads is daunting, i never did really go all the way with goodreads; I only added a few favorites and then started adding what i read sporadically the first few years until i stated the reading challenge this year.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black I see the reviews are all over the board on this one, I was very intrigued by the blurb and it lived up what I was wanting and needing it to be. I loved Tana and felt engaged through out the narrative; I'm definitely hoping for more as I really don't want to leave these characters behind.

Opal (Lux Novel)

Opal - Jennifer L. Armentrout That. Fraking. Ending.
Across the Universe - Beth Revis Great idea that went to all the wrong places with horrible pacing.

Under The Never Sky: Under the Never Sky : Book 01

Under the Never Sky - Veronica Rossi Hmm, a wonderful breath of freshness.
A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness I went back and forth with whether or not to read this one, and end the end I'm glad a did. I actually listened while at work and commuting and really enjoyed the narrator as well as the story and characters.

Gone Girl: A Novel

Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn I had a hard time getting into this, I kept thinking it would be worth it in the end yet here I sit more than 12 hours after finishing it and I'm pretty conflicted. I found nothing satisfying in the conclusion, now I feel like I muddle through for nothing. The idea was interesting and intriguing, and the writing was good I just didn't like it. I left me feeling frustrated and a little pissed.

Moon Spell: a Tale of Lunarmorte novel: 1

Moon Spell: a Tale of Lunarmorte novel - Samantha Young Before this book I steered clear of anything with a werewolf as MC, antagonist, love interest or side kick (not too sure why, but was just very uninterested regardless of how good any blurbs were) but this book opened up this whole sub set of paranormal for me. I loved Caia and the lore/mythology of tale of lunarmorte world. It's a great read as are the rest of the books in the series.

Witches of East End (The Beauchamp Family, #1)

Witches of East End (The Beauchamp Family, #1) - Melissa de la Cruz just started; so far so good.
The Solace of Leaving Early - Haven Kimmel well written and wholly enjoyable; a story worth reading.
My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult After hearing many people rave about this book, I picked it up and from the onset I disliked it. I wasn't just the ending, the wholly mother of cop out endings (really could you not make a real choice instead of letting fate conveniently intervene?), but I don't believe I have ever disliked a character more. Sara was a horrid mother who pretty much ignored everyone in her life save her dying child. As a mother myself I felt that her behavior and action were unforgivable. It's one thing to use cord blood, to have another child to help an existing one, but it's something altogether different to use your child as a walking donor. To hinder her possibilities to simply take a chance on adding years; not a guarantee but a possibility. There were many likable characters within this novel, but for me Picoult's take on the situation was off putting and the ending was just unforgivable, and killed any possibility of redeeming this piece of work for me.