After hearing many people rave about this book, I picked it up and from the onset I disliked it. I wasn't just the ending, the wholly mother of cop out endings (really could you not make a real choice instead of letting fate conveniently intervene?), but I don't believe I have ever disliked a character more. Sara was a horrid mother who pretty much ignored everyone in her life save her dying child. As a mother myself I felt that her behavior and action were unforgivable. It's one thing to use cord blood, to have another child to help an existing one, but it's something altogether different to use your child as a walking donor. To hinder her possibilities to simply take a chance on adding years; not a guarantee but a possibility. There were many likable characters within this novel, but for me Picoult's take on the situation was off putting and the ending was just unforgivable, and killed any possibility of redeeming this piece of work for me.